Self Reflection

Valeria Bautista 

April 29 2024 

Prof. Brener 

Writing for the Humanities and Arts 

At the start of the semester I had forgotten how to write since it has been a while since my last essay. I was a bit iffy on how my writing would be and how well my essays would be. But I knew over time my writing was going to get better. It’s been a while but I found a way to make it possible to be able to do it and to help myself understand how to advance searches for my essays. Alongside that it helped me relearn how to cite my work and my works cited. It’s been awhile since I’ve done a class like this which felt like a relief compared to other classes. 

Though, what I didn’t expect was group projects since I’m not the best at it since it never usually goes the way you want it to be, I didn’t like it. Doing this last project alone made me test my patience and manage my own time to do all these sources, presentations, google forms, etc alone but in the end it didn’t bother me as much.  What also helped me doing this project alone was using the resources alone and learning how to use them for my own benefit, when I was in a group we each individually got a source from one resource online, but doing this alone I learned how to use all three resources online, CCNY library, google and gale in context. I learned how to do all three of them instead of just relying on only learning how to use one. 

I still wish to continue improving my writing skills and organization of my essays, to continue to have courses like this where I can keep writing and do more research on topics I need to learn about and learn how to cite manually instead of using a website to help me. Doing this class helped me learn about other cite sources outside of Google and how to improve my thesis while using academic sources that are more reliable.