
Who are you as a person? Can you describe yourself in 3 – 5 words?

I am a hard working and driven individual who isn’t afraid to face a challenge. I’m passionate about my work and I know how to get the job done. I would describe myself as an open and honest person. I’m kind, patient and determined. 

What are your plans in life after college? 

Probably going to pursue a job that I love. Also traveling and exploring new things. I’d also love the idea of learning about new cultures and meeting new people around the world, so I think after college that would be the best option but if I can find a job I would love to travel later in life. 

When did you realize you wanted to continue studying after high school?

I knew that a college degree gives more opportunities and makes a person a more appealing job candidate than those who just have a high school diploma. My sister was a big inspiration because she graduated from college and her life is very good. As I was growing I’d known that college was a good idea to move up in life and have a bigger opportunity.

Where do you see yourself living after college? 

I see myself living in New York or in a more calm environment. 

Why’d you pick city college? 

I picked City College because it was the best option in my career path and it was really close to my house. I believe that CCNY Regardless of all the programs, opportunities, and scholarships, I chose it because it made me feel like home, a place where you will be able to grow and develop not just academically but in all aspects of life.

How do you decide to spend your years in college?

Having a good time with friends, enjoying every moment, and doing my best.

Building relationships with professors, classmates, and professionals in your field of study. Also, Attending networking events, joining clubs or organizations, and engaging in activities that allow me to connect with others.

When I first met Lisett on the first day of class and we did our preliminary interview I had a feeling I knew what type of person she’ll be. When we started the questions she seemed a bit shy and we both didn’t know where to start so from there I had the feeling that she was a shy person but surprisingly she continued the conversation well which shocked me. I didn’t expect her to be talkative because when the interview started it was quiet but some conversation was made. 

I sent her the questions I had on Instagram and she replied within a day answering all of them. When I read her responses I noticed our responses were similar, since she sent me almost the same question. We both wanted to continue our education to have a good life and career. When I sent the questions my expectations were met, I wanted to keep a theme about her current life in college, why she chose college and what she’s planning on doing after because it’s a topic almost everyone asks and something we either have planned or just go with the flow. Lisett seemed to have an idea on what she’s doing after which surprised me since the majority I have asked usually say they don’t know. As in for how she wants to spend her years in college I understand where she’s coming from with the idea of trying out new things and meeting new people and building her career, it adds on to how she described herself in the beginning of this interview, someone who isn’t afraid to face a challenge and a driven individual. 

Lisett is someone who seems to have an idea of what she wants in life and how she’s going to achieve it. She’s a hard working person who wants to spend her years at college wisely which I respect a lot since she’s trying to become something great out of herself with many inspirations around her.